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Biblical - Bible

The best biblical films of all time are found in this category of biblical classics Protagonist of the most beautiful humanist stories on the face of the earth, the “son of God” had his trajectory told in productions about events in the Bible, from birth to crucifixion and I discovered, which served as the basis for cinema and television to explore several other adventures from the New and Old Testament.

One of the cinematographic genres par excellence, the biblical epic has made history since its emergence at the beginning of the last century. The heyday took place in Hollywood, between the 40s and 60s, with unforgettable classics such as Samson and Delilah (1949), the remake of Quo Vadis (1951), The Ten Commandments (1956), Ben-Hur (1959), Barabbas (1961). among others that are examples – and many of them narrate the life of Jesus Christ from different angles, from the most traditional to the most controversial.

Showing 1 to 20 of 20 (1 Pages)

Behold the Man | Ecce Homo - 1935



This telling of the last days of Jesus Christ (Robert Le Vigan) begins with his entrance into Jerusalem while he is still adored by the public. However, Christ has made powerful enemies by throwing moneychangers out of the temple and giving sermons that place God above all. Ponce Pilate (Jean Gabin)..

Bernadette de Lourdes - 1961



Poucas lendas foram tecidas com coisas mais humildes, e esse encontro em particular entre uma das meninas camponesas mais pobres de uma pequena vila dos Pirineus e "a Dama" levou a eventos que abalaram não apenas minha França, mas também o mundo cristão. a favela que os habitantes chamam de "masmorr..

Brands Henry King

David and Bathsheba - 1951



Though David has all the wealth, power, wives & children inherent for the King of Israel he does not have what he craves most: the true love of a woman who loves him as a man instead of as King. He is attracted to Bathsheba, the wife of one of his soldiers who is more devoted to army duty than t..

Brands Raoul Walsh

Esther e o Rei - 1960



Esta passagem Bíblica conta a história vivida por Esther, uma mulher bem jovem que é forçada a deixar sua vida com sua família e seu noivo, e é levada para o palácio de Xerxes, o Rei da Pérsia. O Rei está procurando uma nova esposa por causa do comportamento infiel de sua antiga esposa, e sua escolh..

Francesco, giullare di Dio - 1950



Francisco, Arauto de Deus traz a visão genial de Roberto Rossellini (Roma, Cidade Aberta) sobre a vida de São Francisco de Assis. Eleito pelo Vaticano como um dos melhores filmes religiosos de todos os tempos, é apresentado em versão restaurada e remasterizada. Num registro intimista que prima pela ..

Brands Nicholas Ray

King of Kings | Man from Nazareth | Son of Man | T...



The story of the life of Jesus Christ from his birth in Bethlehem to his crucifixion and subsequent resurrection. Filmed on a relatively grand scale, the film includes all of the major events referred to in the New Testament; his baptism by John the Baptist; the miracles - cripples walking, blind me..

Maomé - O Mensageiro de Alá - 1977



No século VII, os poderosos líderes de Meca entraram em conflito com Maomé, que atacou seus hábitos materialistas e suas injustiças. Após as visões com o Anjo Gabriel, Maomé e seus seguidores vão para o deserto. Junto ao seu povo, Maomé lutou e derrotou os chefes de Meca, destruindo os 300 ídolos da..

O Rei dos Reis - 1927



Esta excelente epopéia bíblica, produzida e dirigida pelo mestre Cecil B. DeMille, é uma mistura hábil de reverência espiritual e imaginação cinematográfica. Considerado por muitos críticos a melhor versão da vida de Cristo já produzida, o filme cobre os 33 anos vividos por Jesus Cristo, des..

Brands Irving Rapper

Pontius Pilate - 1962



The events that culminated with the Passion of Christ seen from the perspective of Pontius Pilate, the Procurator of Judea who unwillingly condemned Christ to death. Based on the biblical Gospel of John...

Samson and Delilah | Cecil B. DeMille's Samson and...



Though his people, the Israelites, are enslaved by the Philistines, Samson (Victor Mature), strongest man of the tribe of Dan, falls in love with the Philistine Semadar (Dame Angela Lansbury), whom he wins by virtue of a contest of strength. But Semadar betrays him, and Samson engages in a fight wit..

Santo Agostinho - 1972



Com direção do mestre italiano Roberto Rossellini (Roma, Cidade Aberta), Santo Agostinho é uma cinebiografia de Agostinho de Hipona (354 - 430), um dos grandes nomes do Cristianismo e um dos maiores filósofos da Humanidade. Rossellini focaliza a principal fase da vida e da obra de Agostinho: o momen..

São Francisco de Assis - 1961



Nascido em berço de ouro, cercado de privilégios, paixões e luxo, Francisco de Assis veio a ser um dos mais amados e reverenciados santos da história. Bradford Dillman interpreta de modo marcante o ambicioso aventureiro que ouve a voz de Deus e responde abandonando sua vida de conforto. Ao trocar a ..

Sodom and Gomorrah | The Last Days of Sodom and Go...



Lot leads his people to a fertile valley adjacent to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, hotbeds of vice and corruption ruled by the merciless Queen Bera. When Lot orders a dam to be busted in order to prevent the destruction of the cities by the attacking Helamites, the queen, in gratitude, allows Lo..

Brands John Huston

The Bible: In the Beginning... | The Bible - 1966



An elaborate Hollywood retelling of the Bible stories narrated by the film's director John Huston. We open with the Creation of the World and arrive at the Garden of Eden with our first ancestral parents and continue on to Cain murdering his younger brother Abel. Next, we visit Noah and his ark with..

The Old Testament - 1963



The Jews are expelled from Jerusalem by the Syrians, but they will join forces and march against the oppressors, in this passage of the Bible, with a lot of action and battles, as befits the Old Testament, full of heroic figures, in a Franco-Italian production, under the direction of Gianfranco Paro..

Brands Henry Koster

The Robe - 1953



Marcellus is a tribune in the time of Christ. He is in charge of the group that is assigned to crucify Jesus. Drunk, he wins Jesus' homespun robe after the crucifixion. He is tormented by nightmares and delusions after the event. Hoping to find a way to live with what he has done, and still not beli..

Brands Henry Koster

The Story of Ruth - 1960



Inspired by the tale from Hebrew scriptures and the Christian Bible, the Moabitess child Ruth is sold to the temple of Chemosh. Years pass and she serves as a priestess to the idol. While arranging a temple ritual, she encounters a Judean family of artisans: Elimelech, his wife Naomi, their sons Chi..

The Ten Commandments - 1923



A primeira parte narra Moisés (Theodore Roberts) liderando os judeus do Egito para a Terra Prometida, a entrega das tábuas contendo os Dez Mandamentos, a adoração do bezerro de ouro e a travessia do Mar Vermelho. A segunda parte mostra a eficácia dos mandamentos em uma história passada em São Franci..

The Ten Commandments - 1956



To escape the edict of Egypt's Pharaoh Rameses I (Ian Keith), condemning all newborn Hebrew males, the infant Moses (Fraser C. Heston) is set adrift on the Nile in a reed basket. Saved by the pharaoh's daughter Bithiah (Nina Foch), he is adopted by her and brought up in the court of her brother, Pha..

Vida e Paixão de Jesus Cristo | Paixão e Morte d...



Os dois mais importantes e pioneiros filmes sacros mostrando a vida, a morte, e ressurreição de Jesus Cristo de Nazaré. Em A Vida e Morte de Jesus Cristo (1902), Ferdinand Zecca, influenciado pelas gravuras bíblicas de Gustave Doré e utilizando um sofisticado sistema de colorização na película desen..

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