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Dragnet | The Original Dragnet - 1954

  • Brands Jack Webb
  • Product Code: NA-2029-DRA-LT
  • Availability: In Stock

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Saturday, April 9: A known bookie named Miller Starkie has been "cut in half" by a sawed-off, double-barrel shotgun. Working out of Intelligence Division, Sgt. Joe Friday and Off. Frank Smith piece together what little evidence they have, interview acquaintances, intimidate witnesses, interrogate suspects to the point of harassment, utilize a Minifon and a wiretap, and testify before the Grand Jury in a tireless effort to catch and convict Starkie's killers.

Technical Sheet
Title in Brazil Malhas da Lei
Original Title Dragnet
Title in Portugal Nas Malhas da Rede
Year 1954
Language English
Subtitle English, Portuguese, Spanish
Colors Black and white
Gender Drama, Film-Noir, Crime
Duration 88 Min.
Direction Jack Webb
Countries of origin United States
Cast Jack Webb, Ben Alexander, Richard Boone, Ann Robinson, Stacy Harris, Virginia Gregg, Vic Perrin, Georgia Ellis, James Griffith, Dick Cathcart, Malcolm Atterbury
Did you know?
Curiosities The movie followed the then current tendency of radio and TV shows to work in the sponsor's products wherever possible. Liggett & Meyers Tobacco was the TV/radio series' main sponsor, and though it is doubtful they had any financial involvement with the movie, packs of their Chesterfield cigarettes can be seen throughout the movie. Every public place in the movie also featured a Chesterfield vending machine.
Bloopers The murder scene is an open lot bounded by Loma Vista, 3rd, Wentworth and Rachel. These are actual streets in the LA area but do not intersect or form a block. Obviously the geography is intentionally inaccurate, which is also the case with that referred to hundreds of films and television programs. In such instances, if an actual address is used the occupant would have grounds of legal action if the location were to attract unwanted visitors.

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