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Golden Earrings - 1947


On the eve of World War II (1939) English officer Ralph Denistoun is in Nazi Germany on an espionage mission to recover a poison gas formula from Prof. Krosigk. He is helped by Lydia and her band of gypsies. Naturally romance develops along the way.

Technical Sheet
Title in Brazil Cigana Feiticeira
Original Title Golden Earrings
Title in Portugal A Cigana Feiticeira
Year 1947
Colors B&W
Duration 95 Min.
Direction Mitchell Leisen
Countries of origin Estados Unidos
Cast Ray Milland, Marlene Dietrich, Murvyn Vye, Bruce Lester, Dennis Hoey, Quentin Reynolds, Reinhold Schünzel, Ivan Triesault, Hermine Sterler
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