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George Stevens

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 (1 Pages)

Alice Adams - 1935



In the lower-middle-class Adams family, father and son are happy to work in a drugstore, but mother and daughter Alice try every possible social-climbing stratagem despite snubs and embarrassment. When Alice finally meets her dream man Arthur, mother nags father into a risky business venture and pla..

Annie Oakley - 1935



In a sharpshooting match, the manager of a Cincinnati hotel bets on the fellow who's been supplying the hotel with quail...who turns out to be young Annie Oakley. Result: Annie is hired for Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (which is faithfully re-enacted in the film). She's tutored in showmanship by ch..

Gunga Din - 1939



Baseado na obra de Rudyard Kipling. Três grandes amigos e soldados britânicos a serviço na Índia, estão ameaçados pela aparição da mulher que vai se casar com o espirituoso Ballantine (Douglas Fairbanks Jr. ). O espalhafatoso comandante MacChesney (Victor McLaglen) arma um esquema para manter Ballan..

Nazi Concentration Camps - 1945



This film is the official documentary report compiled from over 80,000 feet of film shot by Allied military photographers in the German concentration camps immediately after liberation. The footage is a camp-by-camp record taken in order to provide lasting objective proof of the horrors the liberato..

Original Pecado | Quanto Mais, Melhor - 1943



Chegando à Washington para ajudar com os esforços de guerra, Benjamin Dingle (Charles Coburn), um milionário aposentado, precisa de um lugar para ficar. Então, quando a patriótica Connie Milligan (Jean Arthur) resolve alugar metade de seu apartamento para ele, o Sr. Dingle decide que gostaria de ver..

Ritmo Louco - 1936



Um dançarino e apostador viaja a Nova York para levantar a quantia necessária para poder se casar com sua noiva. Chegando lá, ele acaba se envolvendo com uma bela dançarina novata...

Serenata Prateada | Serenata Nostálgica - 1941



Um Jovem casal é obrigado a se separar quando o marido é designado como correspondente do jornal em Tóquio. Meses depois, ela o reencontra, grávida, mas perde o filho num terremoto. Eles então decidem adotar uma criança...

Shane | George Stevens' Production of Shane - 1953



Shane rides into a conflict between cattleman Ryker and a bunch of settlers, like Joe Starrett and his family, whose land Ryker wants. When Shane beats up Ryker's man Chris, Ryker tries to buy him. Then Shane and Joe take on the whole Ryker crew. Ryker sends to Cheyenne for truly evil gunslinger Wil..

The Diary of Anne Frank | Anne Frank - 1959



In Nazi-occupied Holland in World War II, shopkeeper Kraler hides two Jewish families in his attic. Young Anne Frank keeps a diary of everyday life for the Franks and the Van Daans, chronicling the Nazi threat as well as family dynamics. A romance with Peter Van Daan causes jealousy between Anne and..

The Greatest Story Ever Told | George Stevens Pres...



"My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?" It is towards this climactic crossroads that the story of Jesus of Nazareth leads, and to which, at the final moment, it again looks back in triumphant retrospect. It is the anguishing crossroads where the eternal questions of faith and doubt become resol..

The Only Game in Town - 1970



While waiting in vain for her married lover to get a divorce, Fran Walker (Dame Elizabeth Taylor), a lonely chorus girl approaching middle age, falls for Joe Grady (Warren Beatty), a frustrated musician and compulsive gambler who dreams of escaping Las Vegas for fame and fortune in New York City...

Um Lugar ao Sol - 1951



A bela adaptação de George Stevens, do livro Uma Tragédia Americana, de Theodore Dreiser, ganhou seis Oscar da Academia (incluindo Melhor Diretor e Melhor Roteiro) e garantiu a imortalidade para os apaixonados Montgomery Clift e Elizabeth Taylor. Clift estrela como George Eastman, um pobre jovem dec..

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 (1 Pages)