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Male Hunt | The Gentle Art of Seduction - 1964


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Tags: La chasse à l'homme, Male Hunt, The Gentle Art of Seduction, 1964, Édouard Molinaro,

Julien does everything he can to dissuade his friend Antoine from marrying the lovely, but in his eyes disturbing, Gisèle. As the wedding ceremony approaches, in a cafe, Julien confides in us. He was also married, despite his appearance as a confirmed bachelor, and it was a disaster, as he tells his friend. Antoine is shaken. The fall of Fernand, a pimp who fell under the yoke of women, finally convinces him. Antoine hopes to escape and sets off alone for his honeymoon in Greece. There, he falls under the spell of the beautiful Sandra, also an excellent hunter. A brilliant cast for a smiling fable, with sharp lines.

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