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The Kremlin Letter - 1970

  • Brands John Huston
  • Product Code: NA-2911-DRA-LT
  • Availability: In Stock

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Tags: The Kremlin Letter, John Huston, 1970, Espionage, mission, Russia, CIA, China, atomic bomb, spies, spy network, Bibi Andersson, Richard Boone, Nigel Green, Dean Jagger, Lila Kedrova, Micheál MacLiammóir, Patrick O'Neal, Barbara Parkins, Ronald Radd, George Sanders, Raf Vallone, Max von Sydow, Orson Welles, Sandor Elès, Niall MacGinnis,

A network of older spies from the West recruits a young intelligence officer with a photographic memory to accompany them on a mission inside Russia. They must recover a letter written by the CIA that promises American assistance to Russia if China gets the atomic bomb.

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